Sneaky baby!

Little Boo pulled a bait and switch on me today.

We were playing on the living room floor, and she’s been doing a lot of movements that made me think she was going to try to crawl– bouncing on her knees, and the sit-to-tummy roll. I put her down for some tummy time, thinking she could practice (and secretly hoping she’d creep a little so I could brag to MamaRae that she did it for me first). I took a picture of her on her tummy to send to MamaRae at work:


Cute, right? 😉

So I’m looking at my phone, sending it to R, and I see a movement out of the corner of my eye. When I look up, this is what I see:


She rolled! For the first time!!! She’s gone from her side to her tummy and from her back to her side before, but never a full flip. And I wasn’t expecting the first time to be from tummy to back, although I guess it makes sense since she’s never been all that big a fan of tummy time.

I had kind of given up on rolling being a check mark. The pediatrician told us some babies skip that benchmark so I wasn’t worried, but had just stopped waiting for it. I guess I should have been more patient!

Anyway, I’m excited, and so proud. Obviously my baby is the smartest, most capable baby ever. Even if she did wait til 7 1/2 months to roll over for the first time. It’s strategic, I’m sure of it.

And randomly, here’s another picture of her being adorable in her House Onesie that her Auntie M got her for Christmas (I can’t believe it still fits!)

2015-04-29 07.11.52

Hufflepuffs represent!

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Sneaky baby indeed!


  2. They never do things when we want them to, i guess!!! YAY!!! And that Hufflepuff shit is EVERYTHING!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. buggleboo says:

      Pretty great, right? My whole family is super into Harry Potter and we’ve all been sorted into our houses and everything. My sister is convinced Dar is a Hufflepuff, and I have to say, I could totally see it.

      Liked by 1 person

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